Η Meconopsis grandis, κοινώς γνωστή ως γαλάζια παπαρούνα (παρόλο που στην πραγματικότητα δεν είναι καθόλου παπαρούνα), είναι το εθνικό λουλούδι του Μπουτάν. Την άνοιξη του 1922, μια βρεττανική αποστολή στα Ιμαλάια , με αρχηγό τον θρυλικό αναρριχητή George Leigh Mallory, ανακάλυψαν το φυτό, στην αποτυχημένη τους προσπάθεια να φτάσουν στην ανεξερέυνητη τότε κορυφή του βουνού Έβερεστ. Τα λουλούδια για πρώτη φορά εκτέθηκαν σε ένα ενθουσιώδες κοινό, στο Royal Horticultural Society’s spring show του 1926.
Meconopsis grandis, nicknamed the Blue Poppy (although it is only poppy-like), is the national flower of Bhutan. In the late spring of 1922, a British Himalayan expedition, led by legendary mountaineer George Leigh Mallory, discovered the plant on their failed attempt to reach the summit of the then-unconquered Mount Everest. The flowers were introduced to much excitement at the Royal Horticultural Society’s spring show of 1926. – See more at: http://alternative-energy-gardning.blogspot.gr/2013/10/the-blue-poppy.html#sthash.cyMy65k2.dpuf
Meconopsis grandis, nicknamed the Blue Poppy (although it is only poppy-like), is the national flower of Bhutan. In the late spring of 1922, a British Himalayan expedition, led by legendary mountaineer George Leigh Mallory, discovered the plant on their failed attempt to reach the summit of the then-unconquered Mount Everest. The flowers were introduced to much excitement at the Royal Horticultural Society’s spring show of 1926. – See more at: http://alternative-energy-gardning.blogspot.gr/2013/10/the-blue-poppy.html#sthash.cyMy65k2.dpuf
Meconopsis grandis, nicknamed the Blue Poppy (although it is only poppy-like), is the national flower of Bhutan. In the late spring of 1922, a British Himalayan expedition, led by legendary mountaineer George Leigh Mallory, discovered the plant on their failed attempt to reach the summit of the then-unconquered Mount Everest. The flowers were introduced to much excitement at the Royal Horticultural Society’s spring show of 1926. – See more at: http://alternative-energy-gardning.blogspot.gr/2013/10/the-blue-poppy.html#sthash.cyMy65k2.dpuf
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